Google Published Checklists for GMS Compliance

At the beginning of May, Google has published its internal checklists for GMS/MADA compliance and opened it for all authorized GMS partners. The reason is Google got many requests from OEM partners who asked to provide more transparency with the manual review checklists Google uses for build approvals. Some partners were confused and did not understand why their builds were rejected or should be modified. 

GMS/MADA compliance checklists released to enable OEM partners’ QA teams to identify issues earlier in internal QA processes (instead of during build approval time). Google encourages OEM partners to work with their internal teams to incorporate these checks into existing processes to minimize any delays with your future build approval requests.

GMS/MADA compliance checklists contain 29 items with GMS references and requirements description. Partners can use the following checklist to test that their builds are compliant with GMS requirements. Note, that checklist has no new or specific requirement. A checklist specifies the software examination for the GMS Requirements document content.

From the beginning of June, all the builds which are not meet GMSMADA compliance will be rejected by third party laboratories.

Let us remind that right now GMS Certification for Android 8 & 8.1 Oreo for devices already closed and only Android 9 (Pie) based devices can pass Google GMS. GMS approval window for Android Go (based on Android 8 Oreo) extended to October 31, 2019.

If you have any questions related to GMS certification, deadlines, and latest regulations, feel free and send your inquiries to   Our specialists always ready to help you.


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