Official Google GMS Certification with Flame Group

Flame Group SE & our experienced service provider happy to announce our new service – assistance in the official Google Mobile Services (GMS) Certification for Google Android. We propose this service to any brand or OEM in any region. We will help our customers to pass all requested tests and receive the confirmation that Google Android together with all mobile applications & services are to be officially used on the customer’s device in all target areas.  

All necessary agreements with Google have been already signed:

                The Anti-Fragmentation Agreement (AFA)

                Mobile Application Distribution Agreement (MADA)  

                Widevine Integration and Distribution Agreement (WV IDA) 

Flame Group SE helps to apply GMS for smartphones, tablet PCs and any devices (TV / Set-Top boxes, Auto / Navigation Systems, Smartwatches) based on Android OS.

GMS certification officially verifies that:

                 Specification of the mobile device is suitable for the selected Android version.

                 All used Google Mobile Applications and Services are workable and will be supported.

                 The mobile device works stable and can be recommended to all end consumers, retail partners and mobile carriers.

Everybody understands that it is not easy to find out the adequate agent for the official GMS certification process and that testing is a long process, which takes a lot of time and resources. We will provide solutions to reduce the testing cycles and save time. Our assistance includes:

                 Expert knowledge in the testing tools.

                 Resources to handle a quick testing.

                 Full set of instructions and documents for testing.

Flame Group SE & our experienced service provider will support you from the initiation of certification up to the successful approval. Our hardware & software specialists will help to fill in all questionnaires, communicate with OEM factories and ahead will figure out the suitable suggestion about the software modifications. With our assistance, you will spend minimum resources for the software and hardware modifications.

The Official GSM Certification becomes  more and more necessary in the local retail (especially in US and Europe). Many mobile carriers reject proposals without a GMS certification. For the brand the approved devices GMS certification is the insurance  of the quality, this is an  evidence of care about the customer and the image of the legal market player who follows all normal rules in the digital world.

Turn to our Customer Service Department and download our presentation following the LINK to get more information about our GMS certification service.


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