Official Google GMS Certification – one of the prior services for 2016


More and more customers pass the official Google Mobile Services (GMS) Certification for Google Android with the help of Flame Group SE & our experienced service provider. Our company started the GMS service last year and already got the reputation of the reliable and responsible partner for assistance to prepare all necessary documents, software and to pass GMS successfully in short terms.

Let us remind that all necessary agreements with Google were signed last year and still valid:

•           The Anti-Fragmentation Agreement (AFA)

•           Mobile Application Distribution Agreement (MADA)

•           Widevine Integration and Distribution Agreement (WV IDA) 

Dozens of OEM models by the Chinese suppliers and local brands from the different regions and countries passed the certification during the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016. Thousands of customers got the verified devices with the stable OS Android where all applications from Google work properly without any bugs.

Actually, GMS certification process is not so easy but on the other hand, not as complicated as some people can imagine. GMS certification procedure can be completed in short terms after the preparation of all required descriptions and the software customization following the existing guidelines. Our specialists will support you from the initiation of certification up to the successful approval.

Note, that primarily, the Google’s GMS certification committee pays attention to RAM of the smartphone. Recommended RAM volume for the smartphone with any display size is not less than 1014 MB (1GB). RAM modules for 2 or 3 GB are also preferable. Other requirements you can get from our Customer Service Department – just send the inquiry to

The Official Google GMS Certification is one of the prior services of Flame Group SE for 2016. During this year, we have a plan to increase the volume of the GMS customers and continue assisting with the GMS Certification registration in future.  


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