After the six months from the introduction in March of 2019, Google Inc. announced Android Q operating system release. The public release of the 10th generation of the world most popular mobile operating system is expected in early September 2019. At the same time, Google announced a deadline for the Android 9/ Android P OS.
Android 10/Android Q announcement effects on the Google Mobile Services (GMS) Certification. GMS approval schedule changes according to the announced Android Q release. According to the latest information, Android 9/ Android P OS will be closed for the GMS certification from the 31st January of 2020. From February 1, 2020, for the GMS certification only will be available the latest mobile OS version – Android Q. Take into account a possible rush with the GMS approval, laboratories going to stop to accept GMS test from the middle of January 2020.
At the same time, Google released the GMS Test Suite (GTS) version 7.0 R1 that is mandatory to use from August 15, 2019. GTS 7.0_r1 added 22 new test modules and 162 new test cases and contain many other improvements.
Flame Group highly recommend to all the partners to finish GMS software preparation before the Christmas holidays. Our customers can turn to us to get the latest test tools which include Android Compatibility Tests (CTS Tests), Compatibility Test Suite Verifier (CTS Verifier), Vendor Test (VTS Tests), and GMS Test Suite (GTS) mentioned above. We also will share the latest information about detected tests, bugs and waivers.
Many companies have already passed through the GMS procedure with the help of Flame Group specialist and satisfied with terms and quality. Flame Group have a Multilanguage team of hardware and software engineers located in the different regions (as The Central and Eastern Europe and Asia). Our engineers can advise the best configuration for your hardware solution, which will help to pass GMS Certification in a short time. If you are interested, please send your inquiry to us by e-mail: