Flame Group managers and engineers keep supporting our customers for GMS certification procedures. Actually, all companies are in a slight hurry to complete the majority of deals before Christmas and New Year vacations and a huge number of inquiries are received. Therefore, our team is proceeding with it to catch a due date.
Let us remind you about the Android 9 GMS certification deadline.
Ultimately, our GSM partner has given notice to us about the following timeline:
• Authorized GMS laboratories declared 13/01/2020 as final acceptance date when all the software and related materials can be received.
• Approved GMS software must be submitted to Google before 31/01/2020.
After January 31st, 2020, Google will accept the devices based on Android 10 only. However, this fact doesn’t exclude that new Android 9 based devices will be released for some time after the deadline because GMS for forthcoming models will be approved in advance. Moreover, after January 31st Android 9 and 8x (normal and GO editions) cab be certified as non-GMS devices.
With the assistance of Flame Group, you will spend minimum resources for the software and hardware modifications in the process of GMS certification.
Flame Group team will support you from the initiation of certification up to the successful approval. Our hardware & software specialists will guide through the filling in all questionnaires, communicating with manufacturers and ahead will figure out the suitable suggestion about the software modifications.
Currently, we recommend each company to care about the Android 9 GMS certification in advance and catch the deadline.
In case you need to pass through the certification and get the GMS authorization before the Chinese holidays, please request us by email sales@flamegroup.eu