Today our Chinese partners have a great holiday – the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. The establishment of the Chinese People’s Republic was proclaimed by the chairman Mao Zedong in October of 1949 after the long Chinese Civil War and Japanese occupation. Since 1949 the National Day has been celebrated on the 1st of October annually on the same date.
People’s Republic establishment made modern China what it has become – one of the leading world economies, the largest populated country and the Modern’s World outsource factory. Now almost all companies around the world prefer to produce all things in China. Seems, the way of modern China was the right way for the country and all the population.
Chinese people have one week of holidays which they prefer to spend with their friends and families. We wish our partners to have a rest and great family time; we wish them and their country future development and success in all spheres and areas. We wish them followed their own way to reach personal goals and targets.
All factories, offices, financial organizations and other companies have already stopped their operations during the National holiday. Operations will be resumed on Monday, October 8.
We will be happy to see our partners in Mainland China after their holidays at the end of October during our team’s Chinese trip.