14 days before the start of the Electronics Fair

Only 14 days left before the start of the one of the largest World’s Electronics Fairs – Global Sources Electronics Fair in Hong Kong (near the HK Airport). Flame Group SE have already prepared the latest models and TOP-selling products for the visitors of our booth 7M32 from 18th to 21st of October.

During this newsletter, we will provide more information about the decoration and concept of our booth. You can take a look at the decoration draft on the above picture.

A concept of the decoration was originally developed by the designer Mikhail Stawsky. Flame Group do not want to decorate our booth with standard pictures of the TOP smartphones or featurephones models with their parameters. The main idea was to make a simple but an efficient decoration in the same style as our corporate standards are. We are eager to be stylish and different.

As you can see, the booth is visually separated for two zones: Blue Zone – for Flame Group OEM product portfolio and Orange Zone – for the portfolio of FlameFox brand. In a Blue Zone, customers can get acquainted with around 30 pcs LTE/3G smartphones and featurephones from OEM portfolio, in an Orange Zone, customers will see 3 existing and 4 forthcoming Smartphones and Tablet PCs models of the FlameFox brand. Let’s Talk slogan is a kind of invitation to visit us and discuss the possibility of cooperation, Touch the Flame is an official slogan of the FlameFox brand.

You are welcome to visit our booth 7M32 in Asia World Expo from 18th to 21st of October. Turn to our sales department to book the meeting time in advance!


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